Supporting Inclusive Communities Course 1 (Pilot Version)

SKU: 6279


The Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) recognized a gap in allyship and inclusion resources rooted in a community context. It began to work with community partners and Edmonton’s Community Leagues to create a series of courses entitled Supporting Inclusive Communities. 

This is the first course in this series.

These courses support those interested in community building, particularly members of Edmonton’s Community Leagues, as they consider all the ways they can be allies to the neighbours they serve. 

To promote continuous learning beyond the course, the EFCL has also created the following resource document. It provides more support beyond the content presented in the modules. Feel free to use it and share it as you see fit. 

This first course is free to everyone, and more courses are coming in July. They will be free to Community Leagues, while other organizations can access all EFCL courses, including the Supporting Inclusive Communities courses, for $99.00.  Outline of All Supporting Inclusive Communities Courses

This bundle includes the following products